Monday, March 26, 2007

Videos Uploaded

Hi Guys,
I have started video section in the blog now - VIDEO SHACK , cause i guess the whole audio visual experience makes things a lot clearer.The old Photos of specimens/tray spots section is also gonna be updated now that im a little free on time. So do keep checking back.
And people, any feedback and inputs (Your photos and/or Videos) are highly welcome and will be incorporated in the blog on priority basis (With due recognition given to the person of course).
So enuff said now and on with the blogging.

----Dr. Rishi Signing Off

Video Shack

Sinusitis Pathology (Para-nasal Sinus Anatomy)

Ottitis Media Pathology

Fibroidectomy (Coming Up Soon)
{Thanks to Dr. Ashutosh Ajagaonkar}